

The Gender Divide in Education
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17:01 - 23:33 (06:31)

The gender gap in education in the United States has significantly widened, with a 60-40 divide between women and men. COVID-19 has also worsened this divide, with more men dropping out of school to support their families.

The education gender gap in America has shifted dramatically in the past few years, with 60% of new graduates being women and 40% being men.
17:01 - 20:20 (03:18)
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Education Gender Gap

The education gender gap in America has shifted dramatically in the past few years, with 60% of new graduates being women and 40% being men. However, the topic of affirmative action to address this issue remains controversial and difficult to discuss.

The Gender Divide in Education
#540 - Destiny - What Is The Manosphere Getting Wrong?
Modern Wisdom
While women have been outpacing men in college enrollment and graduation rates, it is important to maintain a balance and give both genders equal opportunities.
20:20 - 23:33 (03:13)
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Gender Gap

While women have been outpacing men in college enrollment and graduation rates, it is important to maintain a balance and give both genders equal opportunities. The pandemic has widened the gap, with male college enrollment declining seven times more than that of females in 2020.

The Gender Divide in Education
#540 - Destiny - What Is The Manosphere Getting Wrong?
Modern Wisdom