
The Heaven's Gate Cult and the Hale-Bopp Comet
The Heaven's Gate Cult believed that the Hale-Bopp Comet had a spaceship following it, and that by committing suicide, they could ascend to the spaceship as the comet passed by. This led to the tragic mass suicide of 39 members of the cult.
This podcast episode provides an overview of Marshal Applewhite’s cult.
15:36 - 18:43 (03:07)
This podcast episode provides an overview of Marshal Applewhite’s cult. The cult, known as Heaven’s Gate, required members to adopt similar clothing and haircuts to reinforce that they were a non-sexual family and made webpages for businesses while remaining celibate.
ChapterThe Heaven's Gate Cult and the Hale-Bopp Comet
EpisodeThe Dark Story Behind A UFO "Religious" Group - Heavens Gate
PodcastMurder, Mystery & Makeup
Members of a cult believed that the comet Hale-Bopp had a spaceship following it and planned to commit suicide to ascend to the spaceship as the comet passed by.
18:43 - 21:25 (02:41)
Members of a cult believed that the comet Hale-Bopp had a spaceship following it and planned to commit suicide to ascend to the spaceship as the comet passed by.