
The History of Traffic Lights
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01:12 - 05:49 (04:36)

Learn about the early versions of traffic lights, how long it took for them to be widely accepted, and the contributions that led to the traffic lights we know today.

Traffic lights have been around for over a century, beginning with the first one in Cleveland in 1914.
01:12 - 02:38 (01:26)
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Traffic lights

Traffic lights have been around for over a century, beginning with the first one in Cleveland in 1914. There have been many improvements and variations since, but the basic idea of using three lights to control traffic has remained the same.

The History of Traffic Lights
Short Stuff: Traffic Signals
Stuff You Should Know
John Peek Knight's invention of the traffic light was met with resistance in England for 40 years after a catastrophic incident involving a malfunctioning prototype.
02:39 - 04:42 (02:02)
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Traffic Lights

John Peek Knight's invention of the traffic light was met with resistance in England for 40 years after a catastrophic incident involving a malfunctioning prototype. Eventually, the concept caught on and became essential to modern transportation.

The History of Traffic Lights
Short Stuff: Traffic Signals
Stuff You Should Know
The first traffic signal was invented in London before being picked up again by the Americans.
04:42 - 05:49 (01:06)
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traffic light

The first traffic signal was invented in London before being picked up again by the Americans. Among Americans, credit is spread out over various inventors and one of the earliest patents was filed by Ernest Sirin in 1910 in Chicago.

The History of Traffic Lights
Short Stuff: Traffic Signals
Stuff You Should Know