

The Ideal Maternity Home Scandal
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20:59 - 29:22 (08:22)

The Ideal Maternity Home took advantage of mothers in the mid-1900s and profited from American families seeking to adopt. The neglect and mistreatment of babies led to changes in licensing requirements for maternity boarding houses in Canada.

Lila, an adoption lawyer in Georgia, is accused of running a child trafficking scheme where she convinced vulnerable mothers to give up their babies and then sold them to wealthy clients in the US and Israel.
20:59 - 23:27 (02:28)
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Child Trafficking

Lila, an adoption lawyer in Georgia, is accused of running a child trafficking scheme where she convinced vulnerable mothers to give up their babies and then sold them to wealthy clients in the US and Israel.

The Ideal Maternity Home Scandal
Let's Talk About The ButterBox Babies- Canadian Horror Story
Murder, Mystery & Makeup
The Ideal Maternity Home was a maternity boarding house in Canada that was famous for preying on poor, vulnerable women and selling their babies for adoption.
23:27 - 26:45 (03:18)
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Ideal Maternity Home

The Ideal Maternity Home was a maternity boarding house in Canada that was famous for preying on poor, vulnerable women and selling their babies for adoption. The home was eventually shut down due to neglect and abuse towards the babies in their care.

The Ideal Maternity Home Scandal
Let's Talk About The ButterBox Babies- Canadian Horror Story
Murder, Mystery & Makeup
The Ideal Maternity Home was a Canadian facility run by Lila and William Young, where young mothers were exploited and their babies illegally sold.
26:45 - 29:22 (02:36)
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Ideal Maternity Home

The Ideal Maternity Home was a Canadian facility run by Lila and William Young, where young mothers were exploited and their babies illegally sold. The facility was closed in 1947, but the true extent of the harm inflicted upon the women and children who passed through it is still unknown.

The Ideal Maternity Home Scandal
Let's Talk About The ButterBox Babies- Canadian Horror Story
Murder, Mystery & Makeup