

The Impact of Local Climate Forcing
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1:46:07 - 1:56:36 (10:28)

Local climate forcing can create regional dynamics that lead to a period where natural disasters like hurricanes are less frequent, but the vulnerability of people to these disasters outweighs this short-term effect in the long run. Cleaning up air pollution has ended a drought caused by sooty and sulfury pollutants, and acknowledging global warming's role in natural disasters is crucial.

The regional dynamic created by air pollution, more specifically the sooty kind, has played a significant role in causing quiet periods with regards to hurricanes and other natural disasters.
1:46:07 - 1:49:00 (02:52)
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Air pollution, Hurricanes

The regional dynamic created by air pollution, more specifically the sooty kind, has played a significant role in causing quiet periods with regards to hurricanes and other natural disasters. Global warming has also led to more natural disasters, but air pollution has a more localized effect.

The Impact of Local Climate Forcing
#339 – Climate Change Debate: Bjørn Lomborg and Andrew Revkin
Lex Fridman Podcast
While the impact of hurricanes and other natural disasters has been decreasing since the 1980s, the vulnerability of people has greatly increased, outweighing any positive effects of decreased impact.
1:49:01 - 1:53:01 (04:00)
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While the impact of hurricanes and other natural disasters has been decreasing since the 1980s, the vulnerability of people has greatly increased, outweighing any positive effects of decreased impact.

The Impact of Local Climate Forcing
#339 – Climate Change Debate: Bjørn Lomborg and Andrew Revkin
Lex Fridman Podcast
Despite living in areas prone to extreme weather events, people still often do not consider the potential consequences.
1:53:02 - 1:55:20 (02:18)
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Climate change

Despite living in areas prone to extreme weather events, people still often do not consider the potential consequences. With climate change causing more frequent hazards, people should be warned to be more vigilant.

The Impact of Local Climate Forcing
#339 – Climate Change Debate: Bjørn Lomborg and Andrew Revkin
Lex Fridman Podcast
The suppression of natural patterns such as fires or storms, combined with development in hazard-prone areas and human ignition, have resulted in disastrous outcomes.
1:55:20 - 1:56:36 (01:15)
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Natural Disasters

The suppression of natural patterns such as fires or storms, combined with development in hazard-prone areas and human ignition, have resulted in disastrous outcomes. However, by addressing these elements and recognizing that disasters are designed rather than natural, there is hope for changing these outcomes.

The Impact of Local Climate Forcing
#339 – Climate Change Debate: Bjørn Lomborg and Andrew Revkin
Lex Fridman Podcast