
The implications of planned obsolescence
The debate around planned obsolescence centers around how it was born and if it's the cause of our consumer society or the response to it. The release of a new superior product every few years is fine, but are there ethical implications when it comes to building devices that are designed to be replaced frequently?
The podcast discusses the origins and consequences of planned obsolescence in our society, debating whether manufacturers use it to keep up with consumerism or whether consumerism is the result of planned obsolescence.
56:27 - 1:00:08 (03:40)
The podcast discusses the origins and consequences of planned obsolescence in our society, debating whether manufacturers use it to keep up with consumerism or whether consumerism is the result of planned obsolescence. It also contemplates the possibility of cheaper and less durable products as an alternative to high-priced and long-lasting ones.
ChapterThe implications of planned obsolescence
EpisodeSelects: Planned Obsolescence: Engine of the Consumer Economy
PodcastStuff You Should Know
A listener thanks the hosts for being a positive influence on his daughter's desire for learning and knowledge.
1:00:08 - 1:02:21 (02:12)
A listener thanks the hosts for being a positive influence on his daughter's desire for learning and knowledge.