
The Importance of Active Listening for Effective Communication
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2:02:16 - 2:05:01 (02:44)

It's important to give someone your full attention without interruption and wait until they are finished speaking before responding in order to have effective communication and make the speaker feel heard. Interrupting someone can muddy the waters of the conversation and prevent resolution from being reached.

The speaker emphasizes the need for active listening instead of cutting in with their own thoughts.
2:02:16 - 2:04:33 (02:16)
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Active Listening

The speaker emphasizes the need for active listening instead of cutting in with their own thoughts. It is important to allow the other person to speak and communicate their feelings, and then address the issue without interrupting.

The Importance of Active Listening for Effective Communication
2 Be Better Podcast Ep.13 We met our first fan
2 Be Better
The hosts discuss the benefits of individual therapy for processing personal issues and the importance of continuing couples therapy for maintaining a strong relationship.
2:04:33 - 2:05:01 (00:28)
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The hosts discuss the benefits of individual therapy for processing personal issues and the importance of continuing couples therapy for maintaining a strong relationship.

The Importance of Active Listening for Effective Communication
2 Be Better Podcast Ep.13 We met our first fan
2 Be Better