

The Importance of Exercise for Brain Function
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27:55 - 33:55 (05:59)

Studies have shown that even small amounts of exercise can make you smarter and improve memory and decision-making for hours afterwards. Exercise also allows the brain to generate more ideas.

The prefrontal cortex of the human brain is responsible for impulse control, planning, and imagining things, but our modern-day lifestyle overuses it.
27:55 - 29:27 (01:31)
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Brain Function

The prefrontal cortex of the human brain is responsible for impulse control, planning, and imagining things, but our modern-day lifestyle overuses it. By simplifying our lives, we can use our prefrontal cortex more effectively and get more benefits from it.

The Importance of Exercise for Brain Function
109: Bonnie St. John, Former Olympic Skier, Motivational Speaker
Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris
Research shows that even just a little bit of exercise, such as 10 minutes of walking or 20 minutes of dancing, can make you smarter for hours afterwards by improving your memory, insights, decisions and generating more ideas.
29:27 - 31:18 (01:50)
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Research shows that even just a little bit of exercise, such as 10 minutes of walking or 20 minutes of dancing, can make you smarter for hours afterwards by improving your memory, insights, decisions and generating more ideas. Understanding the concept of micro resilience can motivate you to exercise to improve your cognitive functions.

The Importance of Exercise for Brain Function
109: Bonnie St. John, Former Olympic Skier, Motivational Speaker
Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris
Having a "joy kit" helps create an internal shift to the positive to be a better leader, even while travelling often, and can include simple items like having a first aid kit for your attitude.
31:18 - 33:55 (02:37)
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Having a "joy kit" helps create an internal shift to the positive to be a better leader, even while travelling often, and can include simple items like having a first aid kit for your attitude.

The Importance of Exercise for Brain Function
109: Bonnie St. John, Former Olympic Skier, Motivational Speaker
Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris