The Importance of Sales and Marketing Engine for Companies
The speaker explains that the future success of a company does not depend entirely on its initial name but rather on the implementation of a strong sales and marketing engine, which can make it difficult for competitors to catch up.
The ability of companies to effectively compete in today's market depends on their aptitude for software engineering as opposed to simply turning capital into a polished brand and marketing campaign.
49:18 - 52:44 (03:26)
The ability of companies to effectively compete in today's market depends on their aptitude for software engineering as opposed to simply turning capital into a polished brand and marketing campaign.
ChapterThe Importance of Sales and Marketing Engine for Companies
Episode#353: Patrick Collison — CEO of Stripe
PodcastThe Tim Ferriss Show
The founders of a startup reminisce about the process of coming up with a name for their company, including discussions during long evenings at the office and tossing out different word options to the group.
52:44 - 55:25 (02:41)
The founders of a startup reminisce about the process of coming up with a name for their company, including discussions during long evenings at the office and tossing out different word options to the group.