

The Importance of Time Management in General Practice
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25:24 - 30:23 (04:58)

A GP discusses the importance of time management in general practice and how it helps to address patients' needs more efficiently. He emphasizes the significance of staying positive and hopeful during these challenging times.

The pandemic has shifted the GP from 80% face to face, 20% telephone to 100% face to face, which resulted in challenges in meeting patients' demands.
25:24 - 27:22 (01:57)
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The pandemic has shifted the GP from 80% face to face, 20% telephone to 100% face to face, which resulted in challenges in meeting patients' demands. People are relying on Dr. Google to diagnose their symptoms, which leads to an increase in visits to hot hubs for coronavirus testing.

The Importance of Time Management in General Practice
#202 - The Secret GP - What Really Goes On Inside Your Doctor's Surgery
Modern Wisdom
GP discusses the challenges faced in healthcare services, including patients' time constraints and the limited time doctors have with the patients.
27:22 - 28:50 (01:28)
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Healthcare Services

GP discusses the challenges faced in healthcare services, including patients' time constraints and the limited time doctors have with the patients.

The Importance of Time Management in General Practice
#202 - The Secret GP - What Really Goes On Inside Your Doctor's Surgery
Modern Wisdom
The key to effective business meetings is to have a rough idea of what the issues are and what needs to be accomplished.
28:52 - 30:23 (01:30)
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Business Meetings

The key to effective business meetings is to have a rough idea of what the issues are and what needs to be accomplished. It's also important to encourage concise communication and avoid letting the discussion drag on.

The Importance of Time Management in General Practice
#202 - The Secret GP - What Really Goes On Inside Your Doctor's Surgery
Modern Wisdom