

The Ins and Outs of Freedom of Speech
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2:41:49 - 2:47:32 (05:42)

The podcast explores the concept of freedom of speech and how it relates to cancel culture and criticism culture. They discuss how the ideal of the freedom of speech can be used to resist the suppression of thought and encourage further discussion.

The fear of getting criticized or cancelled can limit public discourse and the free exchange of ideas, as primitive minds care too much about what others think of them, leading to a culture of fear and self-censorship.
2:41:49 - 2:42:27 (00:38)
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Cancel Culture

The fear of getting criticized or cancelled can limit public discourse and the free exchange of ideas, as primitive minds care too much about what others think of them, leading to a culture of fear and self-censorship.

The Ins and Outs of Freedom of Speech
#360 – Tim Urban: Tribalism, Marxism, Liberalism, Social Justice, and Politics
Lex Fridman Podcast
The host and guest discuss the concept of freedom of speech and how it can be used to resist artificially generated speech and the mechanism of a dormant thought pile.
2:42:27 - 2:44:21 (01:54)
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Freedom of Speech

The host and guest discuss the concept of freedom of speech and how it can be used to resist artificially generated speech and the mechanism of a dormant thought pile. They also touch on the importance of vertical thinking and how our brains are wired to focus on it, despite it not always being beneficial.

The Ins and Outs of Freedom of Speech
#360 – Tim Urban: Tribalism, Marxism, Liberalism, Social Justice, and Politics
Lex Fridman Podcast
The guest emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between cancel culture and criticism culture, pointing out that criticism culture encourages further discussion and attacks the idea, while cancel culture attacks the individual.
2:44:21 - 2:47:32 (03:10)
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Cancel Culture

The guest emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between cancel culture and criticism culture, pointing out that criticism culture encourages further discussion and attacks the idea, while cancel culture attacks the individual. He also notes that anyone who believes in liberal democracies should stand up against cancel culture.

The Ins and Outs of Freedom of Speech
#360 – Tim Urban: Tribalism, Marxism, Liberalism, Social Justice, and Politics
Lex Fridman Podcast