

The Intersection of Economic Policy and Racism in Politics
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40:17 - 47:58 (07:41)

The reasons behind people's political affiliations can vary greatly, and one factor can be their tolerance of racism. People may vote for candidates based on the promise of better economics, but this often means disregarding the importance of the well-being of people of other races.

Despite the collapse of traditional values, there is non-zero value in civility, as demonstrated by the armed militia supporting the salon owner in Salem, Oregon and the need for new rules and regulations in government.
40:17 - 41:59 (01:42)
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Despite the collapse of traditional values, there is non-zero value in civility, as demonstrated by the armed militia supporting the salon owner in Salem, Oregon and the need for new rules and regulations in government.

The Intersection of Economic Policy and Racism in Politics
Part One: How Nice, Normal People Made The Holocaust Possible
Behind the Bastards
The Princeton study suggests that people voted for the Nazis for economic reasons, fear of communism and to improve their small businesses, rather than their theories about Arianism and the master race.
42:00 - 43:09 (01:09)
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Nazi Germany

The Princeton study suggests that people voted for the Nazis for economic reasons, fear of communism and to improve their small businesses, rather than their theories about Arianism and the master race. Many supporters were not actually interested in Nazi race theory, according to Meyer's book.

The Intersection of Economic Policy and Racism in Politics
Part One: How Nice, Normal People Made The Holocaust Possible
Behind the Bastards
The speaker discusses how one can be racist without actively participating in acts of violence or hatred.
43:09 - 46:43 (03:33)
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The speaker discusses how one can be racist without actively participating in acts of violence or hatred. Instead, tolerance of racist behavior and prioritizing one's economic well-being over the well-being of people of other races are forms of racism.

The Intersection of Economic Policy and Racism in Politics
Part One: How Nice, Normal People Made The Holocaust Possible
Behind the Bastards
Trump's base is not motivated by an ideology or policy, but by the promise of protecting them from the chaos of a changing world and the desire to get into fights with leftists, according to an expert on fascism and authoritarianism.
46:43 - 47:58 (01:15)
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Trump's base

Trump's base is not motivated by an ideology or policy, but by the promise of protecting them from the chaos of a changing world and the desire to get into fights with leftists, according to an expert on fascism and authoritarianism.

The Intersection of Economic Policy and Racism in Politics
Part One: How Nice, Normal People Made The Holocaust Possible
Behind the Bastards