

The Iran Contra Scandal
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00:58 - 05:51 (04:53)

The Iran Contra scandal, a political scandal in which officials from the Reagan administration sold weapons to Iran and used the proceeds to fund Contra rebels in Nicaragua, was based on the fear of spreading socialism in South America. This fear led to the involvement of Colonel Oliver North, who was put in charge of a computer system used to track information about the Contras.

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00:58 - 03:10 (02:12)
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Trans Community

Stay up to date with the latest news within the trans community with a weekly mini-episode. Listen to season two on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

The Iran Contra Scandal
Cracktoberfest Part Four: Why Ronald Reagan Should Have Gone To Jail
Behind the Bastards
Ollie is put in charge of supporting the Contras and fighting socialism in South America based on the fear that it would spread throughout the Americas, using a computer system with physical terminals.
03:10 - 05:51 (02:41)
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South America

Ollie is put in charge of supporting the Contras and fighting socialism in South America based on the fear that it would spread throughout the Americas, using a computer system with physical terminals.

The Iran Contra Scandal
Cracktoberfest Part Four: Why Ronald Reagan Should Have Gone To Jail
Behind the Bastards