The podcast aims to be an aggregator of good news stories, life-affirming things, weird happenings, and interesting findings, bringing some positivity to the listeners.
41:23 - 44:09 (02:45)
The podcast aims to be an aggregator of good news stories, life-affirming things, weird happenings, and interesting findings, bringing some positivity to the listeners. It aspires to be a bright spot as opposed to a blind spot for its audience.
ChapterThe Joys of Good News and Weird Happenings with Comedian Sasheer Zamata.
EpisodeDrew Barrymore
PodcastFly on the Wall with Dana Carvey and David Spade
The speaker talks about her love and admiration for male comedians and discusses how to balance humor with being aware of reality.
44:09 - 45:52 (01:43)
The speaker talks about her love and admiration for male comedians and discusses how to balance humor with being aware of reality.