The story of a teenager named Chandler who adopted the persona of "AZ" and became involved in hacking and cybercrime, eventually leading to his arrest.
25:05 - 27:47 (02:42)
The story of a teenager named Chandler who adopted the persona of "AZ" and became involved in hacking and cybercrime, eventually leading to his arrest.
ChapterThe Legacy of the USS Cole
Episode48 Hours: NCIS: The Terrorists, The Spies, the Hackers
Podcast48 Hours
The USS Cole, a United States Navy guided missile destroyer, redefined the critical mission of defending against growing terrorism threats.
27:48 - 31:06 (03:18)
The USS Cole, a United States Navy guided missile destroyer, redefined the critical mission of defending against growing terrorism threats. Its legacy and impact on the Navy will always be remembered.