

The Life and Career of Reinhard Heydrich
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39:02 - 48:55 (09:52)

This episode discusses the life and career of Reinhard Heydrich, from his early aspirations as a musician to his rise in the Nazi Party and involvement in the Holocaust.

Reinhard came of age in a politically violent era where people expressed their willingness to do violence against their political enemies, causing many to prioritize the health of the Aryan German people above everything else.
39:02 - 42:07 (03:04)
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Reinhard came of age in a politically violent era where people expressed their willingness to do violence against their political enemies, causing many to prioritize the health of the Aryan German people above everything else.

The Life and Career of Reinhard Heydrich
Part One: The Young, Evil God of Death: Reinhard Heydrich
Behind the Bastards
Reinhardt's childhood was heavily influenced by Navy propaganda, but he was forced to seek a different career path due to his family's financial struggles after the collapse of their business and the November Revolution.
42:07 - 45:37 (03:30)
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Reinhardt, November Revolution

Reinhardt's childhood was heavily influenced by Navy propaganda, but he was forced to seek a different career path due to his family's financial struggles after the collapse of their business and the November Revolution.

The Life and Career of Reinhard Heydrich
Part One: The Young, Evil God of Death: Reinhard Heydrich
Behind the Bastards
German sailors chose to scuttle their own navy at Scapa Flow following the Treaty of Versailles and Reinhardt likely joined the Navy to gain respect and a steady paycheck during tough economic times.
45:37 - 47:14 (01:37)
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German sailors chose to scuttle their own navy at Scapa Flow following the Treaty of Versailles and Reinhardt likely joined the Navy to gain respect and a steady paycheck during tough economic times.

The Life and Career of Reinhard Heydrich
Part One: The Young, Evil God of Death: Reinhard Heydrich
Behind the Bastards
Author Robert Gerwath discusses the unique character of Nazi SS leader, Reinhard Heydrich, and how his loner tendencies allowed him to stand out in the hyper-masculine world of the German Navy.
47:14 - 48:55 (01:41)
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Nazi SS

Author Robert Gerwath discusses the unique character of Nazi SS leader, Reinhard Heydrich, and how his loner tendencies allowed him to stand out in the hyper-masculine world of the German Navy.

The Life and Career of Reinhard Heydrich
Part One: The Young, Evil God of Death: Reinhard Heydrich
Behind the Bastards