
The Life and Death of Spiritual Leader Rama
"Smokescreen I Am Rama" explores the life of Rama, an enigmatic spiritual leader of the 1980s who was known as both a cult leader and an enlightened master. Some followers felt he transmitted a state of light and beauty, while others felt he was dangerous.
This podcast delves into the life of Rama, an enigmatic spiritual leader of the 1980s, exploring the polarising opinions he garnered from his followers; some worshiped him as an enlightened master, while others viewed him as a dangerous cult leader.
00:00 - 01:01 (01:01)
This podcast delves into the life of Rama, an enigmatic spiritual leader of the 1980s, exploring the polarising opinions he garnered from his followers; some worshiped him as an enlightened master, while others viewed him as a dangerous cult leader.