The Life and Diet of tigers in the Wild
Tigers are known for their big appetite and can consume prey that ranges in size from tiny animals like squirrels to large ones like elephants weighing over 5 tons. Living longer in the wild can be challenging for tigers as they often get mauled by younger and stronger tigers fighting for territory, which forces them to seek new homes.
Tigers are fearsome predators that can take down prey much larger than themselves, with a strong bite force and impressive leaping ability.
06:34 - 08:59 (02:25)
Tigers are fearsome predators that can take down prey much larger than themselves, with a strong bite force and impressive leaping ability. They are also known to attack and kill humans, with some individuals responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people.
ChapterThe Life and Diet of tigers in the Wild
Episode52: The Man-Made Man-Eater. Jim Corbett National Park.
PodcastNational Park After Dark
Tigers were considered physical manifestations of the Power and Grace of the natural world according to the Taru belief system, and in case a tiger turned into man-eating, it was believed to be a sign from the gods.
09:00 - 13:11 (04:11)
Tigers were considered physical manifestations of the Power and Grace of the natural world according to the Taru belief system, and in case a tiger turned into man-eating, it was believed to be a sign from the gods. Tiger widows were shunned and isolated by the community and considered bad luck and unholy.
ChapterThe Life and Diet of tigers in the Wild
Episode52: The Man-Made Man-Eater. Jim Corbett National Park.
PodcastNational Park After Dark
The speaker discusses their experience watching a documentary about lions in Africa and how the harsh reality of nature can be both fascinating and depressing.
13:11 - 14:41 (01:30)
The speaker discusses their experience watching a documentary about lions in Africa and how the harsh reality of nature can be both fascinating and depressing.