The year the Loch Ness monster became part of the public consciousness was 1933, but there are stories dating back to the 6th century, including one about Saint Columba who is said to have commanded a monster in the Loch to swim away in the name of God.
09:31 - 12:04 (02:32)
The year the Loch Ness monster became part of the public consciousness was 1933, but there are stories dating back to the 6th century, including one about Saint Columba who is said to have commanded a monster in the Loch to swim away in the name of God.
ChapterThe Loch Ness Monster: A Brief History
EpisodeSelects: Could There Be A Loch Ness Monster?
PodcastStuff You Should Know
In 1933, the Loch Ness Monster became a worldwide sensation due to a supposed sighting in April of that year, generating a year of heightened excitement and curiosity.
12:04 - 16:23 (04:19)
In 1933, the Loch Ness Monster became a worldwide sensation due to a supposed sighting in April of that year, generating a year of heightened excitement and curiosity.