The story of Donnie Rudd, a former prosecutor and lover turned accused killer, who was found guilty of murdering Noreen Kumeta in a 1973 car crash and staging it like an accident.
25:45 - 28:22 (02:37)
The story of Donnie Rudd, a former prosecutor and lover turned accused killer, who was found guilty of murdering Noreen Kumeta in a 1973 car crash and staging it like an accident.
ChapterThe Murder Squad: The Strange Case of Rachel Cooke
EpisodeDeadly Twist
PodcastDateline NBC
In this podcast, a man recounts a scary encounter where he and his friend approached Todd and Rachel's house, and Todd used their children as human shields to confront the man about his relationship with his wife.
28:22 - 29:41 (01:19)
In this podcast, a man recounts a scary encounter where he and his friend approached Todd and Rachel's house, and Todd used their children as human shields to confront the man about his relationship with his wife.