

The Mysterious Case of the Dingo Baby
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10:24 - 14:54 (04:30)

There were rumors and lack of evidence that contributed to the convicting of a woman who claimed a dingo took her baby in the Australian outback in 1980s, perpetuating the myth that dingoes don't attack humans.

A discussion about the infamous case of Azaria Chamberlain, a nine week old baby who disappeared while her family was camping in Australia, and the trial that followed which ultimately convicted her mother of her murder.
10:24 - 12:34 (02:10)
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Azaria Chamberlain

A discussion about the infamous case of Azaria Chamberlain, a nine week old baby who disappeared while her family was camping in Australia, and the trial that followed which ultimately convicted her mother of her murder.

The Mysterious Case of the Dingo Baby
Short Stuff: Dingoes!
Stuff You Should Know
Listen in as the hosts delve into the infamous case of Lindy Chamberlain and the death of her infant daughter by a dingo, including the speculation and wrongful accusations that followed.
12:34 - 14:54 (02:20)
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Listen in as the hosts delve into the infamous case of Lindy Chamberlain and the death of her infant daughter by a dingo, including the speculation and wrongful accusations that followed.

The Mysterious Case of the Dingo Baby
Short Stuff: Dingoes!
Stuff You Should Know