

The Mystery of the Missing Bin
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24:29 - 27:40 (03:11)

The defense points out that there is no hard evidence that a specific 35-gallon plastic bin was used in the crime. Michael was seen on surveillance footage buying a 22-gallon bin from Walmart on the day of the crime, but this bin is not the one that Dina saw in his car.

Conflicting evidence has emerged regarding the size of the bin allegedly used by Michael Williams to dispose of his wife's body.
24:29 - 27:40 (03:11)
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Michael Williams Case

Conflicting evidence has emerged regarding the size of the bin allegedly used by Michael Williams to dispose of his wife's body. While police have surveillance of Williams buying a 22 gallon bin at Walmart, the bin from Dina's apartment, which she claims is a 35 gallon bin, is still missing.

The Mystery of the Missing Bin
MURDERED: Phylicia Simone Barnes Part 2
Crime Junkie