

The Obligation of Writers to Speak the Truth
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56:26 - 1:11:14 (14:48)

The duty of a writer is to say the truth, even if it is unpleasant or unpopular, as it is their moral and professional obligation as a citizen to do so. The rise of cancel culture has led performers to self-destruct a little by carefully curating their audiences and pruning out potential barnacles, and this may become a trend in the future.

As a writer, it is both a moral and professional obligation to say the truth, even if it is not a popular one, rather than telling people what they want to hear.
56:26 - 1:01:35 (05:09)
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As a writer, it is both a moral and professional obligation to say the truth, even if it is not a popular one, rather than telling people what they want to hear. Those who are offended by it are often not the real fans and don't matter in the long term.

The Obligation of Writers to Speak the Truth
#378 - Ryan Holiday - Finding Courage & Overcoming Fear
Modern Wisdom
In a climate of cancel culture, it is important to remain true to oneself but also recognize and prune out toxic elements in one's audience.
1:01:35 - 1:06:27 (04:51)
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Cancel Culture

In a climate of cancel culture, it is important to remain true to oneself but also recognize and prune out toxic elements in one's audience. It's a risky balancing act, but necessary to make a lasting impact.

The Obligation of Writers to Speak the Truth
#378 - Ryan Holiday - Finding Courage & Overcoming Fear
Modern Wisdom
Alistair Urquhart, a Scottish soldier in World War II, endured captivity, torture, and forced labor at the hands of the Japanese.
1:06:28 - 1:11:14 (04:46)
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Alistair Urquhart

Alistair Urquhart, a Scottish soldier in World War II, endured captivity, torture, and forced labor at the hands of the Japanese. Despite these hardships, he survived and later wrote about his experiences as a call for accountability.

The Obligation of Writers to Speak the Truth
#378 - Ryan Holiday - Finding Courage & Overcoming Fear
Modern Wisdom