
The Origins of Middle American Radicalism
The Middle American Radicalism was a social and political movement that emerged in the 70s and was characterized by opposition to the elites and the fight for their own rights. They expressed themselves through different movements and elected Ronald Reagan as president.
The Middle American Radicals were a political class that emerged during the 1970s, opposing school busing for racial integration, the Equal Rights Amendment, and electing Ronald Reagan as president, among other movements.
35:54 - 40:00 (04:06)
The Middle American Radicals were a political class that emerged during the 1970s, opposing school busing for racial integration, the Equal Rights Amendment, and electing Ronald Reagan as president, among other movements.
ChapterThe Origins of Middle American Radicalism
EpisodeHow Pat Buchanan, Secret Nazi, Paved The Way For Donald Trump
PodcastBehind the Bastards
The Council of Conservative Citizens is a far-right lobbying group that hosts news articles on their website, including features on "black on white" crime.
40:02 - 40:43 (00:40)
The Council of Conservative Citizens is a far-right lobbying group that hosts news articles on their website, including features on "black on white" crime. Their website was cited by Dylann Roof as the thing that inspired him to shoot up a black church in Charleston.