
The Origins of Modern Campus Culture Discourse
Edward Schlosser discusses how student complaints have shifted from the rightness or wrongness of materials taught to solely focusing on how it affects their emotional state, possibly due to the Charlie Hebdo shootings happening in 2015. This discourse has caused concern among professors about the coddling of American college students.
In this podcast episode, the speaker discusses how a complaint by a student in 2009 would have been dismissed quickly whereas in 2015 it would center solely on how the teaching affected the student's emotional state.
00:00 - 03:57 (03:57)
In this podcast episode, the speaker discusses how a complaint by a student in 2009 would have been dismissed quickly whereas in 2015 it would center solely on how the teaching affected the student's emotional state. The possibility that the Charlie Hebdo shootings in January 2015 may have contributed to the migration of the discussion of free expression into American campuses is also mentioned.