
The Physics of Firewalking
Science explains why firewalkers don't get burned as long as they follow certain precautions and have the right mindset. Most fire walkers only have half a second of contact with the fire while walking briskly, which limits the heat transfer and keeps them safe.
Learn about the techniques behind fire walking and fire sitting, where individuals walk or sit on hot coals for a few seconds using a brisk pace to avoid injury.
11:01 - 11:55 (00:54)
Learn about the techniques behind fire walking and fire sitting, where individuals walk or sit on hot coals for a few seconds using a brisk pace to avoid injury. Disclaimer: do not attempt this at home.
ChapterThe Physics of Firewalking
EpisodeShort Stuff: Firewalking
PodcastStuff You Should Know
During a Tony Robbins event in 2012, 21 people had to be treated for burns after participating in the firewalk.
11:55 - 13:57 (02:01)
During a Tony Robbins event in 2012, 21 people had to be treated for burns after participating in the firewalk. This incident came after a previous incident of a man becoming paralyzed after jumping into his pool during his wedding ceremony, which was also featured on Robbins' TV show.