
The Political Economy of Guns
The gun lobby's strength and importance may be attributed to the lucrative industry of gun making and selling that they aim to protect. Although polls suggest that most hunters favor gun control, many believe race has played a role in the belief that one needs a gun at home.
"Bad Dates" podcast features comedians and celebrities sharing their dating misfires.
16:25 - 18:46 (02:21)
"Bad Dates" podcast features comedians and celebrities sharing their dating misfires. "Generation Y" podcast has a 4-part series on the false imprisonment of Khalif Browder.
ChapterThe Political Economy of Guns
Episode“Michael Moore”
The gun industry is highly lucrative, and it's believed that the influence of gun-making and gun-selling has led to the strength and importance of the gun lobby.
18:48 - 21:06 (02:18)
The gun industry is highly lucrative, and it's believed that the influence of gun-making and gun-selling has led to the strength and importance of the gun lobby. Despite statistics showing that having a gun in the home puts individuals at a higher risk of suicide, many people think they need a gun for protection, which is enabled by the gun lobby's resistance to basic regulations.