The O experience with Cirque Du Soleil can increase pro-social behavior in individuals, resulting in a more empathetic outlook towards others, according to research measurements of brain activity before and after the experience.
21:31 - 23:33 (02:01)
The O experience with Cirque Du Soleil can increase pro-social behavior in individuals, resulting in a more empathetic outlook towards others, according to research measurements of brain activity before and after the experience.
ChapterThe Power of Flow States with Steven Kotler
Episode#376 - Beau Lotto - The Neuroscience Of Awe, Distraction and Anxiety
PodcastModern Wisdom
This episode discusses the societal emphasis on cerebral intelligence and how it leads to individuals spending too much time in their heads, resulting in neurotic behavior, and suggests ways to get out of your own head.
23:34 - 25:40 (02:06)
This episode discusses the societal emphasis on cerebral intelligence and how it leads to individuals spending too much time in their heads, resulting in neurotic behavior, and suggests ways to get out of your own head.