Hand coding the output of perception systems for self-driving cars is insufficient because it will miss important features in the real world that are not present in simulated environments, making the feature vector look fundamentally different.
57:45 - 59:26 (01:40)
Hand coding the output of perception systems for self-driving cars is insufficient because it will miss important features in the real world that are not present in simulated environments, making the feature vector look fundamentally different.
ChapterThe Power of Learning-Based Perception for Autonomous Driving
EpisodeGeorge Hotz:, OpenPilot, and Autonomous Vehicles
PodcastLex Fridman Podcast
Will Drevno explains how lane change component are trained through a learning problem and solve it with scale.
59:26 - 1:02:30 (03:04)
Will Drevno explains how lane change component are trained through a learning problem and solve it with scale. He believes that self-driving cars need to rely less on hand-coded hacks for navigation and integrate more adaptive cruise control in all driving situations.