

The Power of Stoicism in Turning Negative into Empowering Actions
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38:11 - 47:34 (09:23)

The philosophy of stoicism is becoming increasingly popular in places like Silicon Valley and Wall Street as it allows individuals to turn stress and misfortune into empowering actions and become better as a result of them. By taking a longer-term view and seeing the oscillation of things in life, one can turn negative situations into positives and grow from them.

In Street Fighter, Dan Hibiki was intentionally designed to be the weakest character in order to provide a challenge to skilled players who could defeat their opponents with him.
38:11 - 38:56 (00:44)
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Street Fighter

In Street Fighter, Dan Hibiki was intentionally designed to be the weakest character in order to provide a challenge to skilled players who could defeat their opponents with him. Despite his weakness, some players took Dan to tournaments and even managed to win with him against less skilled players.

The Power of Stoicism in Turning Negative into Empowering Actions
#516 - Gurwinder Bhogal - 16 Surprising Psychology Truths
Modern Wisdom
Putting things into a longer-term perspective can reveal that outcomes are not always as they seem, and may have positive outcomes in the end despite appearing negative at first glance due to the oscillation of life's ups and downs.
38:56 - 42:47 (03:51)
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Putting things into a longer-term perspective can reveal that outcomes are not always as they seem, and may have positive outcomes in the end despite appearing negative at first glance due to the oscillation of life's ups and downs.

The Power of Stoicism in Turning Negative into Empowering Actions
#516 - Gurwinder Bhogal - 16 Surprising Psychology Truths
Modern Wisdom
Stoicism, a powerful philosophy embraced in Silicon Valley and Wall Street, teaches individuals to turn stress and misfortune into empowering actions and become better as a result of them, helping to bring a positive outcome to bad circumstances.
42:47 - 47:34 (04:47)
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Stoicism, a powerful philosophy embraced in Silicon Valley and Wall Street, teaches individuals to turn stress and misfortune into empowering actions and become better as a result of them, helping to bring a positive outcome to bad circumstances.

The Power of Stoicism in Turning Negative into Empowering Actions
#516 - Gurwinder Bhogal - 16 Surprising Psychology Truths
Modern Wisdom