Discover the technique of using a laser to remove wax from pigments in ancient paintings in order to restore them to their former glory.
48:36 - 50:45 (02:09)
Discover the technique of using a laser to remove wax from pigments in ancient paintings in order to restore them to their former glory.
ChapterThe Preservation of Pompeii
EpisodeSelects: How Pompeii Worked
PodcastStuff You Should Know
Protecting cultural heritage sites is crucial for preserving history and providing future generations with the opportunity to explore and learn about ancient civilizations.
50:45 - 54:19 (03:33)
Protecting cultural heritage sites is crucial for preserving history and providing future generations with the opportunity to explore and learn about ancient civilizations. Focusing on preservation rather than excavation allows for better conservation of artifacts and structures, ensuring their longevity for years to come.
ChapterThe Preservation of Pompeii
EpisodeSelects: How Pompeii Worked
PodcastStuff You Should Know
The public-private partnership that now controls Herculaneum has become a model for rescuing sites like this.
54:19 - 55:26 (01:07)
The public-private partnership that now controls Herculaneum has become a model for rescuing sites like this. In the future, it's likely that walkways will be raised above ground and visitors won't be able to touch anything, so anyone who wants to touch Pompeii should go soon.
ChapterThe Preservation of Pompeii
EpisodeSelects: How Pompeii Worked
PodcastStuff You Should Know
The Germans treat their Nazi history differently by preventing their citizens from idolizing or idealizing it; they do not commemorate it either.
55:26 - 56:40 (01:13)
The Germans treat their Nazi history differently by preventing their citizens from idolizing or idealizing it; they do not commemorate it either. On the other hand, they do not sanitize their history or pretend it did not happen. Additionally, a movie recommendation, Goodbye Lenin, was given with a great scene on monument removal.