

The Pros and Cons of Pixar Joining Disney
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09:01 - 14:25 (05:24)

The speaker recounts a story of being in a boardroom with Steve Jobs discussing the pros and cons of Pixar being bought by Disney, which eventually happened and led to Disney's value quintupling.

Disney CEO, Bob Iger, transformed the company's direct to consumer strategy by leveraging their creative content on new platforms like Disney Plus, ESPN Plus, Hulu and Hotstar, resulting in the company's stock price and value skyrocketing under his watch.
09:01 - 11:48 (02:47)
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Disney, Bob Iger

Disney CEO, Bob Iger, transformed the company's direct to consumer strategy by leveraging their creative content on new platforms like Disney Plus, ESPN Plus, Hulu and Hotstar, resulting in the company's stock price and value skyrocketing under his watch.

The Pros and Cons of Pixar Joining Disney
#406: Bob Iger — CEO and Chairman of Disney
The Tim Ferriss Show
Ed Catmull, the co-founder of Pixar, recounted in a podcast his experience of negotiating the acquisition of Pixar by Disney and the pros and cons that had to be considered in the process.
11:48 - 14:25 (02:37)
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Ed Catmull, the co-founder of Pixar, recounted in a podcast his experience of negotiating the acquisition of Pixar by Disney and the pros and cons that had to be considered in the process.

The Pros and Cons of Pixar Joining Disney
#406: Bob Iger — CEO and Chairman of Disney
The Tim Ferriss Show