

The Pros and Cons of Trump's Potential Science Advisor
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3:37:53 - 3:41:59 (04:05)

Experts discuss the potential appointment of Will Happer as Trump's science advisor and emphasize the importance of better science education and sustained investment in monitoring the planet.

John Holdren, Obama's science advisor, emphasized the importance of better science education for Americans and the need for more climate science, despite concerns about Will Happer potentially being Trump's science advisor.
3:37:53 - 3:40:14 (02:21)
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Science education

John Holdren, Obama's science advisor, emphasized the importance of better science education for Americans and the need for more climate science, despite concerns about Will Happer potentially being Trump's science advisor.

The Pros and Cons of Trump's Potential Science Advisor
#339 – Climate Change Debate: Bjørn Lomborg and Andrew Revkin
Lex Fridman Podcast
The conversation about extreme ideologies should lead to understanding how pathways lead to that kind of thinking, and this involves thinking through the perspectives of people who have taken their ideals to the extreme.
3:40:14 - 3:41:59 (01:44)
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Extreme ideologies

The conversation about extreme ideologies should lead to understanding how pathways lead to that kind of thinking, and this involves thinking through the perspectives of people who have taken their ideals to the extreme. It is essential to keep an open mind and constantly reevaluate one's own ideals in the light of new information and perspectives.

The Pros and Cons of Trump's Potential Science Advisor
#339 – Climate Change Debate: Bjørn Lomborg and Andrew Revkin
Lex Fridman Podcast