A study from the late 1950s found that executives in an office made it a game to have the fanciest pen on their desk, indicating how status symbols have long played a role in the workplace.
07:45 - 10:01 (02:15)
A study from the late 1950s found that executives in an office made it a game to have the fanciest pen on their desk, indicating how status symbols have long played a role in the workplace. Additionally, status symbols have an impact on attraction, such as a man being perceived as more attractive when next to a luxury car compared to a typical sedan.
ChapterThe Psychology of Material Possessions
Episode#292 - Rob Henderson - Signalling: Why You Do The Things You Do
PodcastModern Wisdom
The idea of costly signaling, which is the biological theory of an animal's ability to evolve traits that can't be faked, has important implications for economics and the idea of conspicuous consumption, particularly when it comes to luxury cars.
10:00 - 14:05 (04:04)
The idea of costly signaling, which is the biological theory of an animal's ability to evolve traits that can't be faked, has important implications for economics and the idea of conspicuous consumption, particularly when it comes to luxury cars.