The Relationship Between Sperm Quality and Food
The ability of a sperm to swim depends on certain proteins, and sperm motility is generally associated with sperm quality. Some food items like macunapurines, reduce prolactin, increase sperm motility, increase testosterone, and subjective wellbeing.
Clips is a free website that aggregates PubMed studies and offers insight on supplements based on scientific evidence.
46:00 - 46:57 (00:56)
Summary is a free website that aggregates PubMed studies and offers insight on supplements based on scientific evidence. With important health warnings and links to studies, provides a wealth of trustworthy information on supplements like 5-HTP.
ChapterThe Relationship Between Sperm Quality and Food
EpisodeHow Foods and Nutrients Control Our Moods
PodcastHuberman Lab
This podcast delves into the effect of food on sperm quality and how certain chemicals found in food, such as macunapurines, L-dopa, and specific proteins can increase testosterone, subjective well-being, and sperm motility.
46:57 - 50:45 (03:48)
This podcast delves into the effect of food on sperm quality and how certain chemicals found in food, such as macunapurines, L-dopa, and specific proteins can increase testosterone, subjective well-being, and sperm motility.