
The Rise of Online Pharmacies and Shady Practices
Online pharmacies have made buying medicine easier, however there are concerns over shady practices from certain sites. Kronopay, a payment processor, has noticed payments coming from underground pharmacies and porn sites, while emails advertising these sites are being sent across the globe, particularly to those in the US.
Learn about the impact of spammers, botnets, and hackers on online pharmacies, and how to protect your email and workplace communication with a specialized security solution.
01:18 - 03:28 (02:09)
Learn about the impact of spammers, botnets, and hackers on online pharmacies, and how to protect your email and workplace communication with a specialized security solution.
ChapterThe Rise of Online Pharmacies and Shady Practices
Episode110: Spam Botnets
PodcastDarknet Diaries
Online pharmacies posing as Canadian pharmacies offer medicines at half the regular prices without requiring a prescription.
03:28 - 04:51 (01:23)
Online pharmacies posing as Canadian pharmacies offer medicines at half the regular prices without requiring a prescription. These rogue pharmacies are not actually Canadian, and their products are often fake or unapproved, despite their claims.
ChapterThe Rise of Online Pharmacies and Shady Practices
Episode110: Spam Botnets
PodcastDarknet Diaries
Pharmacists play a critical role in ensuring the safety of patients by checking prescription orders for potentially deadly drug combinations and providing proper warnings.
04:51 - 07:30 (02:38)
Pharmacists play a critical role in ensuring the safety of patients by checking prescription orders for potentially deadly drug combinations and providing proper warnings. Online Canadian pharmacies that operate without this oversight put consumers at risk.
ChapterThe Rise of Online Pharmacies and Shady Practices
Episode110: Spam Botnets
PodcastDarknet Diaries
A discussion about the affiliate program of spamming company, Spamit, and how it differed from its sister company Glavmed's program.
07:30 - 09:59 (02:29)
A discussion about the affiliate program of spamming company, Spamit, and how it differed from its sister company Glavmed's program.