The Rise of the Fake Doctor John Brinkley
Despite the warnings of credible doctors, people were not as naive during the 1920s and were skeptical of the medical claims made by John Brinkley, the infamous "doctor" who implanted goat glands into humans. Meanwhile, the island of Ko Tao is described as a paradise akin to a 1920s doctor's imagination.
The proliferation of medical ignorance in history didn't prevent some people from questioning the absurdities propagated by doctors like John Brinkley and his goat testicle transplant practice.
43:07 - 47:21 (04:14)
The proliferation of medical ignorance in history didn't prevent some people from questioning the absurdities propagated by doctors like John Brinkley and his goat testicle transplant practice. The story presents an era where people were skeptical of Brinkley and credible doctors opposed his practices.