The Role of Artificial Constructs in Gaming
The use of artificial constructs in gaming allows for a new level of interaction with computers, but it may also render the role of decision-making abilities in games obsolete as the software becomes a better decision-maker than humans.
The development of artificial intelligence in gaming has created a new type of playing field that has transformed the intent of a game, which is to measure decision making abilities, to a point where software can outdo human ability causing the games to get obsolete.
1:06:34 - 1:08:22 (01:48)
The development of artificial intelligence in gaming has created a new type of playing field that has transformed the intent of a game, which is to measure decision making abilities, to a point where software can outdo human ability causing the games to get obsolete. DeepMind's AI concept was aimed at winning certain video games as the perfected versions could solve other generalized problems as well.
ChapterThe Role of Artificial Constructs in Gaming
EpisodeE97: SPAC updates, public/private market overview, Putin's end game & more
PodcastAll-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Discussions around the issue of cheating in chess, the ease of cheating in online chess and the potential solutions that may involve wandering people and having them go through metal detectors like in a casino or using a device to signal information, compared to over the board chess where a device or someone in the crowd would be necessary.
1:08:23 - 1:10:36 (02:13)
Discussions around the issue of cheating in chess, the ease of cheating in online chess and the potential solutions that may involve wandering people and having them go through metal detectors like in a casino or using a device to signal information, compared to over the board chess where a device or someone in the crowd would be necessary.
ChapterThe Role of Artificial Constructs in Gaming
EpisodeE97: SPAC updates, public/private market overview, Putin's end game & more
PodcastAll-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
The rise of chess on streaming and the success of young players like 17-year-old GM Alireza Firouzja and 16-year-old GM Richard Rapport.
1:10:36 - 1:11:58 (01:21)
The rise of chess on streaming and the success of young players like 17-year-old GM Alireza Firouzja and 16-year-old GM Richard Rapport. They discuss neural net chess engine, stockfish and the theory behind why some people believe that chess is not being “ruined” but “refined” by the new ways of teaching, learning and playing the game.