
The Role of Facial Expressions in Sexual Arousal
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03:07 - 14:03 (10:56)

A study discovered that men find women's faces more arousing than their bodies and are more attracted to faces that indicate that the woman is enjoying herself. Bisexual women showed more interest in facial expressions compared to heterosexual or lesbian women which could be attributed to the complexity of bisexuality.

A recent study showed that men prefer images of women where they looked like they were enjoying sexual experiences, claiming that men like it when their partners are having a good time.
03:07 - 09:43 (06:35)
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A recent study showed that men prefer images of women where they looked like they were enjoying sexual experiences, claiming that men like it when their partners are having a good time. This episode contains an advertisement for qualia mind, a specialized brain supplement that can boost energy and focus.

The Role of Facial Expressions in Sexual Arousal
#532 - Catherine Salmon - Do We Know What Turns Women On?
Modern Wisdom
Research on face shape and its correlation with sexual orientation indicates that bisexual women are more attracted to images of faces than heterosexual or lesbian women, which raises questions about the nature of bisexuality.
09:43 - 14:03 (04:20)
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Sexual orientation

Research on face shape and its correlation with sexual orientation indicates that bisexual women are more attracted to images of faces than heterosexual or lesbian women, which raises questions about the nature of bisexuality. The study also suggests that the attractiveness of faces may be related to conveying information about differences between people and maintaining novelty, like in pornography.

The Role of Facial Expressions in Sexual Arousal
#532 - Catherine Salmon - Do We Know What Turns Women On?
Modern Wisdom