The type of fur color on cold dwelling animals can be an indication of the amount of melanin produced.
20:29 - 24:24 (03:55)
The type of fur color on cold dwelling animals can be an indication of the amount of melanin produced. Albinism is determined by the type and amount of melanin that can escape into the skin, eyes, and hair as well as the point in the process of melanin creation.
ChapterThe Science of Albinism
EpisodeThe Ins and Outs of Albinism
PodcastStuff You Should Know
Despite albinism being more common in sub-Saharan Africa, people with albinism are highly stigmatized and ostracized in some parts of Africa.
24:24 - 25:57 (01:32)
Despite albinism being more common in sub-Saharan Africa, people with albinism are highly stigmatized and ostracized in some parts of Africa. The social implications of having albinism are significant, but with education and increased awareness, it is possible to change these negative attitudes in society.