A new immersive fiction podcast, The Mantawalk Caves is a psychological thriller and supernatural horror that follows the story of three boys entering a Tennessee cave and only one of them returning.
31:41 - 32:45 (01:04)
A new immersive fiction podcast, The Mantawalk Caves is a psychological thriller and supernatural horror that follows the story of three boys entering a Tennessee cave and only one of them returning. Starring Jonathan Tucker and Eddie Categhi, the podcast is produced by iHeart Radio, Blumhouse Television, and Psychopia Pictures.
ChapterThe Science of Left-Handedness
EpisodeSelects: Why Do Lefties Exist?
PodcastStuff You Should Know
Researchers conducted a study to test if left-handed individuals process information quicker than their right-handed counterparts.
32:45 - 35:48 (03:03)
Researchers conducted a study to test if left-handed individuals process information quicker than their right-handed counterparts. This podcast features personal stories of individuals and the tools they used to better themselves.
ChapterThe Science of Left-Handedness
EpisodeSelects: Why Do Lefties Exist?
PodcastStuff You Should Know
Left-handed individuals may have better language skills and faster thinking due to more efficient communication between the hemispheres of their brains according to recent studies, but more research is needed to understand its entirety and implications.
35:48 - 37:06 (01:18)
Left-handed individuals may have better language skills and faster thinking due to more efficient communication between the hemispheres of their brains according to recent studies, but more research is needed to understand its entirety and implications.