

The Self-Sacrificing Nature of Slime Molds
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18:09 - 21:55 (03:46)

Slime molds can essentially sacrifice themselves and move by using little appendages that expand and contract the cytoplasm to make their way along the ground, all without a brain.

Slime molds can show altruistic behavior by sacrificing themselves to save others, despite not having a brain or central nervous system, and without feeling empathy for others.
18:09 - 19:31 (01:21)
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Slime Molds

Slime molds can show altruistic behavior by sacrificing themselves to save others, despite not having a brain or central nervous system, and without feeling empathy for others. Dictostelium Discoideum is an example of a type of slime mold that exhibits this behavior.

The Self-Sacrificing Nature of Slime Molds
Slime Mold: 0% Mold, 100% Amazing
Stuff You Should Know
Slime mold cells move along the ground by expanding and contracting the cytoplasm, while at the top of the stalk, many slime mold cells called slugs, move using little feet-like appendages.
19:31 - 21:55 (02:24)
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Slime Mold

Slime mold cells move along the ground by expanding and contracting the cytoplasm, while at the top of the stalk, many slime mold cells called slugs, move using little feet-like appendages.

The Self-Sacrificing Nature of Slime Molds
Slime Mold: 0% Mold, 100% Amazing
Stuff You Should Know