

The social acceptability of nose picking across the globe
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14:37 - 18:28 (03:51)

Nose picking in public is more socially acceptable in the US than in Japan, where blowing your nose in public is seen as a bigger social faux pas. The habit potentially stems from childhood and can be acceptable if done discreetly.

Teenagers are less likely to pick their nose than adults, as nose-picking habits are often carried over from childhood.
14:37 - 16:11 (01:33)
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Nose Picking

Teenagers are less likely to pick their nose than adults, as nose-picking habits are often carried over from childhood. Only 7.6% of surveyed teenagers admitted to picking their nose, with anonymity likely being the reason for the low percentage.

The social acceptability of nose picking across the globe
Short Stuff: Dangers of Nose Picking
Stuff You Should Know
It is generally acceptable to pick your nose in public, as long as it is done discreetly and quickly.
16:11 - 18:28 (02:17)
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Nose picking

It is generally acceptable to pick your nose in public, as long as it is done discreetly and quickly. Blowing your nose in public is considered worse in some cultures, such as Japan.

The social acceptability of nose picking across the globe
Short Stuff: Dangers of Nose Picking
Stuff You Should Know