
The Spanish Civil War and the Rise of Anarchism
The Spanish Civil War was a remarkable feat for anarchist forces who, although untrained and unequipped, managed to slow down Franco's army for four months and eventually stop it from advancing towards Madrid. The citizens militias composed of men and women, who often had to loot guns from sporting goods stores, fought against some of the most professionalized troops in Europe.
The untrained and unequipped citizen militias in the Spanish Civil War were able to slow and eventually stop the well-trained army of Franco on the outskirts of Madrid despite being composed of individuals who often only had access to hunting rifles or looted sporting goods stores.
26:00 - 30:47 (04:47)
The untrained and unequipped citizen militias in the Spanish Civil War were able to slow and eventually stop the well-trained army of Franco on the outskirts of Madrid despite being composed of individuals who often only had access to hunting rifles or looted sporting goods stores.