The story of how the Inverted Jenny Stamp, featuring an upside down plane, became a sought-after item for stamp collectors due to its rarity and intriguing history, including theft and forgery attempts.
52:37 - 55:57 (03:20)
The story of how the Inverted Jenny Stamp, featuring an upside down plane, became a sought-after item for stamp collectors due to its rarity and intriguing history, including theft and forgery attempts.
ChapterThe Story of the Inverted Jenny Stamp
EpisodeHow Stamp Collecting Works
PodcastStuff You Should Know
The Inverted Jenny Stamp is a famous misprint of a 24-cent US airmail stamp where the plane was printed upside down, and it has made its way into pop culture references such as the movie Brewster's Millions.
55:57 - 57:07 (01:10)
The Inverted Jenny Stamp is a famous misprint of a 24-cent US airmail stamp where the plane was printed upside down, and it has made its way into pop culture references such as the movie Brewster's Millions. There is a lot of history and trivia about this stamp, including the serial number on the side which Philately has uncovered the meaning of.