
The Three Deaths of the Loon Shot
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1:45:25 - 1:51:00 (05:34)

Loon shots, a term coined by Safi Bahcall, refer to breakthrough innovations that were initially dismissed as unworkable, but later become revolutionary products or strategies. Such breakthroughs typically face multiple failures before finally succeeding and transforming entire industries.

The most important breakthroughs are usually killed several times before they come to fruition, and this goes against the popular Silicon Valley notion of "fail fast and pivot".
1:45:25 - 1:48:02 (02:37)
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Loon shots

The most important breakthroughs are usually killed several times before they come to fruition, and this goes against the popular Silicon Valley notion of "fail fast and pivot". The podcast explores historical examples of loon shots and the two different types of this phenomenon.

The Three Deaths of the Loon Shot
#364: Safi Bahcall — On Thinking Big, Curing Cancer, and Transforming Industries
The Tim Ferriss Show
There are two types of breakthrough innovations: P-type involves a new product or technology, while S-type involves a small change in strategy that everyone says won't work.
1:48:04 - 1:51:00 (02:55)
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There are two types of breakthrough innovations: P-type involves a new product or technology, while S-type involves a small change in strategy that everyone says won't work. The latter is often overlooked, but can be just as important as the former, as exemplified by the story of Walmart.

The Three Deaths of the Loon Shot
#364: Safi Bahcall — On Thinking Big, Curing Cancer, and Transforming Industries
The Tim Ferriss Show