

The Truth About Meat Trimmings Used in Ground Beef and Hot Dogs
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11:51 - 21:07 (09:15)

The use of meat trimmings in ground beef and hot dogs is an efficient process where the little bits of edible meat, muscle, and tendons attached to the carcass are mechanically separated using different states of pressure to create high-quality meat products. There can only be up to 30% of fat that can make it into meat products according to regulations.

The first podcast explores the relationship between our brains and our experiences.
11:51 - 13:47 (01:55)
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The first podcast explores the relationship between our brains and our experiences. The second one is a cooking show featuring Wells Adams and Tyler Florence, while the third one is a new immersive fiction podcast.

The Truth About Meat Trimmings Used in Ground Beef and Hot Dogs
Hot Dog!(s)
Stuff You Should Know
This podcast explains the process of how meat trimmings are used in ground beef, hot dogs, and other meat products in a super-efficient way, with mechanically separating the little bits of meat through pressure to make them edible.
13:47 - 21:07 (07:20)
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This podcast explains the process of how meat trimmings are used in ground beef, hot dogs, and other meat products in a super-efficient way, with mechanically separating the little bits of meat through pressure to make them edible.

The Truth About Meat Trimmings Used in Ground Beef and Hot Dogs
Hot Dog!(s)
Stuff You Should Know