
The Unexpected Consequences of Rising Interest Rates
The increase in interest rates had a deeper and more significant impact on the market and various industries than anticipated, leading to the downfall of growth stocks, cryptocurrencies, and hedge funds. Even Japan raised rates after years of negative interest rates and yield curve control.
Despite the multiple controversies surrounding Trump, including the January 26 insurrection, he is still considered viable in the minds of his supporters and the media, even though he has been exposed as having no clothes.
17:54 - 20:05 (02:11)
Despite the multiple controversies surrounding Trump, including the January 26 insurrection, he is still considered viable in the minds of his supporters and the media, even though he has been exposed as having no clothes.
ChapterThe Unexpected Consequences of Rising Interest Rates
EpisodeE109: 2022 Bestie Awards Live from Twitter HQ
PodcastAll-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
The sudden shift in regime change over interest rates led to the rise in rates, resulting in the downfall of growth stocks, cryptocurrency, and asset classes pumped by the government's money printing.
20:05 - 22:22 (02:16)
The sudden shift in regime change over interest rates led to the rise in rates, resulting in the downfall of growth stocks, cryptocurrency, and asset classes pumped by the government's money printing. It is considered to be the biggest business story of the year.
ChapterThe Unexpected Consequences of Rising Interest Rates
EpisodeE109: 2022 Bestie Awards Live from Twitter HQ
PodcastAll-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Revenue for a payment processing infrastructure increased by 66% this year due to the pandemic, but it is uncertain how much it will be worth when it goes public.
22:22 - 24:24 (02:01)
Revenue for a payment processing infrastructure increased by 66% this year due to the pandemic, but it is uncertain how much it will be worth when it goes public.