

The Unification Church
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21:16 - 27:49 (06:32)

This podcast discusses the Unification Church and its religious traditions which combine Christianity, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism and Korean shamanic practices. The Unification Church also promotes Christian family values and has unique wedding ceremonies which involve beatings with a giant stick.

The Unification Church mixes Christianity with other religious traditions, leading to a focus on the traditional family and opposing sex outside of marriage.
21:16 - 23:35 (02:18)
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Unification Church

The Unification Church mixes Christianity with other religious traditions, leading to a focus on the traditional family and opposing sex outside of marriage. This emphasis is based on their interpretation of the story of the fall as having sex before marriage.

The Unification Church
Part One: The Moonies Are So Much Worse Than You Could Possibly Imagine
Behind the Bastards
The composition of the Moonies' holy wine, which may contain Moon's blood, is unknown to high-level members of the church and there are contradicting opinions about it, causing a running debate.
23:35 - 24:32 (00:57)
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The composition of the Moonies' holy wine, which may contain Moon's blood, is unknown to high-level members of the church and there are contradicting opinions about it, causing a running debate. Despite being a conservative Christian cult, the Moonies also have a new-age edge.

The Unification Church
Part One: The Moonies Are So Much Worse Than You Could Possibly Imagine
Behind the Bastards
The religious practices in Koh Tao let its people play both sides of the religious aisle during conversion and they have synthesized the cultural and political trends from the sixties until the eighties.
24:32 - 27:49 (03:16)
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religious syncretism

The religious practices in Koh Tao let its people play both sides of the religious aisle during conversion and they have synthesized the cultural and political trends from the sixties until the eighties. The wedding ceremony involves beating each other with a giant stick to get rid of Eve sin.

The Unification Church
Part One: The Moonies Are So Much Worse Than You Could Possibly Imagine
Behind the Bastards