
The Uninteresting Breakfast of Mr. Pito
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00:00 - 01:20 (01:20)

In this podcast, Mr. Pito talks about his mundane breakfast routine of having nothing and the host interrupts with random phrases. The podcast concludes with an ad for Five Bullet Friday, a brief email newsletter with interesting content from around the world.

In this podcast episode, Tim Ferriss briefly discusses his boring breakfast before interrupting himself with an advertisement for his popular Five Bullet Friday email newsletter, which features short and interesting bullet points about new discoveries and cool gadgets from his week.
00:00 - 01:20 (01:20)
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Five Bullet Friday

In this podcast episode, Tim Ferriss briefly discusses his boring breakfast before interrupting himself with an advertisement for his popular Five Bullet Friday email newsletter, which features short and interesting bullet points about new discoveries and cool gadgets from his week.

The Uninteresting Breakfast of Mr. Pito
Ep 50: Dr. Peter Attia on Ultra-Endurance, Drinking Jet Fuel, Human Foie Gras, and More
The Tim Ferriss Show